Weather and lawn treatments go hand and hand.
Too much moisture and cloudy days allow most fungi to grow and compromise your lawn. Here at Blue Grass Lawn Service, we want to share 4 common lawn problems for you to look for that will hurt any lawn treatment.
1 Summer Patch:
Symptoms of summer patch include rings and circular patches of dead or dying turf grass. Most likely there is a center or surrounding area of healthy grass in or around what we call a doughnut style patch. Therefore, allowing those dead spots to become full of many forms of weeds. You may see this during mid-summer, after heavy rainfall or consistent rain.
2 Red Thread:
The symptoms and signs of red thread are distinctive, most common among morning dew, water from rain or irrigation issues. A coral pink or reddish layer of fungal growth knows as mycelium can be seen on leaves and sheaths. Development of this type of disease is prominent by cool, wet weather (65-70 degrees). The most obvious times you may see this is in the spring or early autumn. As most fungus Red Thread can be seen during long wet weather and damp lawns.
Pro-Tip when cutting grass while getting lawn treatments:
Lawn height while cutting is a huge factor to ensure a healthy lawn. Most professional recommendations to ensure the best and healthiest growth are as followed. During spring it is recommended to keep you lawn height at 3 ½ inches, for the summer 4 inches is recommended. Fungi and other lawn related issues are more common in areas where lawns are cut too short or “scalped”.
3 Dollar Spot:
Long periods of high humidity or frequent rainfall may cause the most severe outbreaks. Watering your lawn at the wrong time may extend or increase the incidence of disease. Therefore, the most common outbreaks occur when temperatures are moderately warm and change rapidly. Such as warm days turn into cold nights. Infected areas 4 inches or larger may run together, allowing for much larger patches. Although, patches growing to 12 feet wide are not uncommon.
4 Leaf Blight:
Leaf blights are present in every established lawn. Therefore, this lawn disease will cause serious damage during extreme weather conditions, such as frequent wet weather, high temperatures and when improper lawn practices aggravate the disease. Mostly known, mowing is the main factor for increasing the infection in several ways, wounds are made that allow easy penetration for the fungi. Especially when the leaf blades are shredded by dull mower blades and foot traffic to spread spores.
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