Sick of seeing weeds pop up on your lawn? You’re not alone, homeowners everywhere are watching dandelions, crabgrass, and clumps of clover mess up their beautiful yard. Luckily there are several simple ways you can get rid of weeds in your yard…

What Are Weeds?

A weed is basically any unwanted plants sprouting up in your yard. These troublesome plants fall under one of three categories: broadleaf, grassy, or grass-like weeds.

Getting rid of broadleef weeds

Broadleaf Weeds

The leaves are broad and flat as opposed to needle-like or grassy. These plants could be dandelions, clover, ground ivy, oxalis, chickweed, dollarweed, henbit, plantain, or thistle.

Getting rid of grassy weeds

Grassy Weeds

Grassy weeds look similar to grass and grow one leaf at a time. The leaves closely resemble grass blades. However, these could be crabgrass, foxtail, annual bluegrass, or quackgrass.





Getting rid of grass-like weeds in your yard

Grass-Like Weeds

These may look like grass blades from a distance. However, a closer look shows the leaves are triangular or tube-like and hollow, not flat like a grass blade. These weeds could be nutsedge, wild onion, or wild garlic.



How to Get Rid of Weeds in Your Yard

The best way to control weeds in your yard is with a proper lawn care schedule. Our eight treatment plan is perfect for ensuring your lawn is uninterrupted by pesky weeds. If you only have a few weeds, hand-pulling may be an option. Crabgrass, chickweed, and other annual weeds tend to have shallow roots making them easily controlled with hand-pulling. However, perennial weeds, such as dandelion and thistle, have deep roots. If you miss even a small part of the root while hand-pulling, the weed will grow back.


Preventing Weeds From Growing in Your Hard

Keeping your yard weed-free is can be a battle. However, with a proper lawn care schedule and these simple tips, you can keep your yard beautiful year-round!

Treat at the Right Time

Your lawn care schedule should include treatment for annual grassy weeds in the spring. In the spring, the seedlings are tiny and vulnerable. This makes it a great time to treat so they don’t become a problem in the summer.

Keep Your Yard Healthy Year-Round

Proper lawn care is the best defense against weeds. We have a variety of lawn care treatments backed by over 35 years of experience to keep your yard beautiful year-round. A thick and luscious lawn leaves little space for weeds to grow.

Mow Higher

Any great landscaping company will tell you: when you mow, raise the mower height. Weeds require sunlight to sprout, just like any other plant. Mowing at a taller height allows the grass to grow higher and shade the soil. As a result, the weeds are less able to sprout.

Water Your Lawn Deeper

Frequent and shallow watering encourages shallow root growth in your yard. The periods of heat and drought can cause thin, bare spots in your yard that weeds will happily sprout up in. Watering deeper, less frequently, encourages deeper grassroots. This allows the grass to grow thicker and occupy more of the space weeds normally would.

Leave it to the Experts!

With over 35 years of experience, our experts will treat your lawn regularly to ensure your lawn stays beautiful all year! Explore our lawn care programs or call us today and get rid of weeds the right way!

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