Mon-Fri: 06:00AM - 6:00PM
17 Feb 2023
Getting rid of grass-like weeds in your yard

Crabgrass Pre-Emergence Treatment

If you're a homeowner or landscaper, you know how frustrating crabgrass can be. This aggressive weed can quickly overtake a lawn, leaving it looking patchy and unsightly. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent crabgrass from taking hold in the first place, and one of the most effective methods is using a pre-emergence herbicide.

How Do Pre-Emergence Treatments Work?

Pre-emergence herbicides work by creating a barrier in the soil that prevents crabgrass seeds from germinating. These products are applied before the crabgrass has a chance to grow, typically in the early spring. By applying the herbicide at the right time and in the right way, you can prevent crabgrass from becoming a problem in your lawn. However, pre-emergence herbicides are only effective when used correctly, and this includes using the right type of fertilizer. The type of fertilizer you use can impact the effectiveness of the pre-emergence herbicide, as well as the overall health of your lawn.

When it comes to fertilizers, there are two main types: quick-release and slow-release. Quick-release fertilizers provide a burst of nutrients to the lawn, but they can also be harmful if not applied correctly. They release all their nutrients at once, which can cause a surge in growth that makes the grass more susceptible to disease and pests. Slow-release fertilizers, on the other hand, release nutrients over a longer period of time. This can help promote steady growth and improve the overall health of the lawn. Slow-release fertilizers are also less likely to burn the grass, which can be a problem with quick-release fertilizers.

When using a pre-emergence herbicide, it's important to use a slow-release fertilizer. This is because quick-release fertilizers can cause a surge in growth that can make the lawn more susceptible to crabgrass. By using a slow-release fertilizer, you can promote steady growth and help ensure that the lawn remains healthy and resistant to pests and disease.

Other Actions You Can Take

Another important factor to consider when using a pre-emergence herbicide is the timing of application. It's important to apply the herbicide at the right time to ensure that it's effective in preventing crabgrass. Typically, pre-emergence herbicides should be applied in the early spring, before the soil temperature reaches 55 degrees. This is the optimal time for preventing crabgrass, as it's when the seeds begin to germinate.

In addition to using a pre-emergence herbicide and slow-release fertilizer, there are other steps you can take to prevent crabgrass in your lawn. One of the most important is to maintain a healthy lawn through regular mowing, watering, and fertilization. A healthy lawn is more resistant to weeds and other pests, including crabgrass. Properly treating and preventing crabgrass can feel like a daunting task. There are many steps and fine details to follow in order to do it right.

If you're not sure which products to use or how to apply them, consult with a lawn care professional who can provide guidance and advice tailored to your specific needs. Blue Grass Lawn Service has specialized in crabgrass pre-emergence services for over 36 years within Pennsylvania and New Jersey. You can benefit from having the ensured peace of mind that your lawn will remain healthy and weed-free all season long.

01 Feb 2023

Why Hire a Lawn Care Service?

With the spring season quickly approaching, you may be considering the thought of hiring a lawn care service for your needs. We all want to have an immaculate lawn. But what if you don’t have the time or the resources available to you? Maybe you can’t physically put in the effort it takes for DIY projects to get done. In that case, hiring a lawn service might be greatly beneficial to you. While the choice ultimately rests on your shoulders, there are a few factors to consider before making that final decision. Here are three reasons why you should hire a lawn care company:

#1: Save Time 

One of the main things that people seek to gain by hiring a lawn care professional is the amount of time it will save them. Lawn care maintenance can take hours in just planning and researching what exactly your lawn needs before you even get to work. When you eventually do get started, you’ll be responsible for the physical labor associated with your projects. Things like mowing, watering, fertilizing, and weeding can all take a toll on your body, while also adding to your busy schedule. Lawn care isn’t just a one and done project either, it will take a weekly time commitment from you in order to properly maintain it. Hiring a lawn care service can help take these worries away, and allow you to focus your time on things that are more important to you.

#2: Cost

While it may be tempting to not hire a lawn service in order to forego the associated costs of labor, sometimes trying to manage your own lawn can end up being just as costly. When you factor in the cost of certain tools, equipment, and supplies needed for lawn care maintenance, it starts to add up quickly. Many of the residential options of these things available to homeowners are not as high quality or as effective compared to what a professional will use. Depending on the size and specific needs of your lawn, you would have to spend a fortune to equal the power and capabilities that lawn care companies possess. In a lot of cases, you’d actually end up saving money by hiring a lawn care service.

#3: Effectiveness

Even if you are someone who is willing to spend the time and can handle the physical aspects of DIY lawn care, there is also the chance that you simply make mistakes. Lawn care is a very intricate process, and requires a lot of attention to detail and commitment in order to get the best results. You can spend a lot of time doing research and planning out your projects. When everything goes according to plan, you’re likely to feel really good and accomplished because of the work you’ve done. In turn, if there are mishaps along the way, you’re likely to feel just as bad and discouraged when your lawn doesn’t end up looking its best. You can attempt to do all of the work on your own, but with lawn care experts you can always expect the best results. 

A lot of people enjoy the experience and sense of pride that comes with taking care of their lawn. Seeing your hard work pay off with a great looking lawn can feel very rewarding. If you’d rather save the time, money, and stress, then hiring a lawn care company might be a good decision for you. Blue Grass Lawn Service has been providing their lawn services to home and property owners in New Jersey and Pennsylvania for over 36 years. Our experienced team can develop a personalized plan around our many lawn care services that we offer, in order to deliver the best results.

Check out our Facebook page for more lawn care tips! 

25 Jan 2023

Lawn Care Tips For 2023

It’s a common tradition for people to reflect on the passing year, and to begin making plans for the year to come. As we begin moving forward into a new year, the experts at Blue Grass Lawn Service thought it might be helpful to compile some lawn care tips for 2023. Resolutions are a great way to implement new habits and lifestyle changes that can help lead to a more enjoyable daily life. While a lot of folks will limit these resolutions to eating better and exercising more, we thought it would be a good idea to include some lawn care tips as well. After all, many of us find some sense of peace and happiness when our lawns are healthy and look sharp. If you are someone who is looking to boost their lawn care efforts this year, then some of these tips might be useful to you.

Tip #1: Watering 

One of the biggest challenges home owners face when it comes to lawn care is watering. General questions related to watering typically involve how much one should water, and how long they should water for. There is no doubt that your lawn needs water to survive, but too much moisture from overwatering can also lead to costly issues down the road, such as turf damage and diseases. The key when it comes to watering is balance. Water your lawn when it needs it, don’t just water for the sake of watering. Pay attention to factors such as temperature, sunlight and natural precipitation patterns in your area. Lawns generally require about 1-1.5 inches of water per week to thrive. Attempt to water during the morning, as late-day watering can cause the water to evaporate too quickly. If you can't water in the mornings, consider investing in a sprinkler system.

Tip #2: Mowing

Mowing your lawn isn’t just about making your lawn look more appealing (however a well-groomed lawn is certainly an added bonus). Properly mowing your lawn also plays a big role in aiding the health and vitality of the lawn itself. A properly mowed lawn is thicker, healthier and better able to withstand stresses like weeds, insects and diseases. It is important to keep an eye on your lawn during the peak growth seasons of spring and summer, as it might require mowing more than once a week. During slower growth periods, mowing should only be needed every 10-14 days. Regardless, lawns should be mowed regularly at the proper height and with a sharp mower blade for a clean cut. This will help to establish deep roots for your lawn to look its very best.

Tip #3: Fertilize

One of the most common questions that homeowners will ask is: when is the right time to apply spring fertilizer? The exact time will vary from year to year and will depend on where you live. In our region, the best time typically ranges anywhere between March-April depending on how mild or harsh the winter was. However, the primary indicator of when to fertilize your lawn is when grass begins to sprout up and starts actively growing. One mistake that lawn owners often make is fertilizing before the growing season starts. If the turf is not ready to use the nutrients that it receives, then the fertilizer will not be as effective. Having a well-fertilized lawn is important because it can help to maintain a healthy and strong looking turf, while also being more resilient to diseases, weed infestations, and damage from insects or drought.

Need Help?

While caring for your lawn might seem like a simple enough task, there is a lot that goes into doing it right. Some parts of lawn maintenance can feel overwhelming, or can be too much for a single person to handle. Many homeowners opt to hire a lawn care service to assist them during certain situations to ensure the best results, or to spare themselves from having to worry about it altogether. Blue Grass Lawn Service has been providing their lawn services to home and property owners in New Jersey and Pennsylvania for over 36 years. If you are having trouble with any of the things above, or perhaps another issue pertaining to your lawn, we highly encourage you to reach out to us. We can work with you to develop a personalized plan so that your lawn remains healthy and looking its best throughout 2023. 

Check out our Facebook page for more lawn care tips! 

31 Dec 2022

Lawn Care Services: Cost and Pricing

The pricing and overall cost of lawn care services is an important consideration for many homeowners. The cost of a reliable lawn service company can vary a lot, depending on the needs of the customer. The size of your lawn/ yard, the type of grass you have, and the type of services you need all play a factor in determining the total cost of lawn care. While we find our pricing to be more affordable than most other lawn care companies, we are not looking to provide the cheapest lawn care possible. As with most things, the cost of an item is often different from the value of that item. After all, what is a better deal: paying 50% less for a service but getting nothing for it, or paying a fair price and being fully satisfied with the outcome?

How We Compare to Other Lawn Care Companies

Generally speaking, there are three types of lawn care companies:

  1. The landscapers- Typically don’t specialize in all forms of lawn care services. Instead they can provide you with related treatment services as an additional service to their core mowing business. Service is commonly sketchy as the majority of lawn treatments occur during the height of the mowing and landscaping season making the lawn treatments “secondary” with treatments either being applied late or not at all.
  2. The national chain companies- Often feel like more of a telemarketing company than a lawn care company. Constantly calling to sell you extra services that are not needed is very common with these larger outfits as the primary goal is to drive corporate profit. In addition, often a different lawn tech will do treatments on your property defeating the benefit of the same guy being responsible and familiar with your property.
  3. Blue Grass Lawn Service-  We have specialized exclusively in treatments to lawns and landscapes since 1985 and are family owned and operated. Managed by the owner daily with over 45 years experience, all of your questions and/or lawn issues would be addressed directly by the owner. The majority of our employees have been with our company for over 10 years and have all the necessary skills to diagnose any issues that arise and can make recommendations to help get your lawn to the level you expect. We do not do any telemarketing. We will however leave recommendations following any treatments we provide.

Providing a fair price for our services will ensure that the customer will get value included. This is why the vast majority of our clients will remain our loyal customers for years. If you are searching for a lawn care company to service your property in Pennsylvania or New Jersey, we encourage you to reach out to us. We will consult with you to develop a personalized plan so that your lawn remains healthy and looking its best throughout the entire year.

Check out our Facebook page for more lawn care tips! 

31 Dec 2022

Snow Mold Prevention

Snow mold is a lawn disease which can affect regions that experience cold winters with moderate amounts of snowfall. During the winter months, our lawns will enter a dormancy phase in an effort to preserve water and nutrients. When winter eventually ends and the weather begins to warm up, we want our lawns to bounce back from dormancy as quickly as possible. In some cases, the snow melts from your lawn but leaves white, gray, or even pink patches behind. This could be a first sign that snow mold is present within your lawn. Although its presence can be ugly at first, it doesn’t mean that your lawn is completely destroyed.

How to Identify Snow Mold

Snow mold, also commonly referred to as “snow rot”, is a fungus that can damage or kill grass after snow melts. You would almost always see snow mold during the spring, as the fungal spores need warmer temperatures between 32 and 45°F to become active. There are two different species of snow mold, both of which are identified by color: gray and pink. When the snow does melt, you might either see the mold itself or straw-like patches of grass that the mold has killed. 

Generally, these patches will be circular in shape and will range in size from a couple of inches to a couple of feet in diameter. The diseased patches are also likely to be noticeably matted and crunchy. Snow mold can develop on any type of cool-season turfgrass that is covered by snow for long periods of time. This means that the lawns in our region are prone to developing snow mold.

Treatment And Prevention

Unfortunately, once you have noticed that snow mold has made an appearance in your lawn, the damage is already done. There aren’t any fully reliable or effective fungicide treatments that work on snow mold in the spring when the snow melts. This means that the primary key to removing snow mold is by preventing it from growing in the first place. It is important to first understand the conditions that influence the development of snow mold in order to avoid its effects entirely. If you find that your lawn has already been damaged by snow mold, it is best to just gently rake the affected areas and re-seed them accordingly.

Some ways to prepare your lawn accordingly in the fall include:

  • Applying a preventative fungicide
  • Mowing before the the first snowfall
  • Preventing leaves and snow from piling up
  • Ensuring your lawn has proper drainage
  • Avoid fertilizing in the late fall

If you are having trouble with any of the issues related to snow mold, or perhaps another problem pertaining to your lawn, you might begin seeking out the help of an expert lawn care service. Blue Grass Lawn Services specializes in lawn care treatment and prevention in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. We can work with you to develop a personalized plan so that your lawn remains healthy and looking its best throughout the entire year.

Check out our Facebook page for more lawn care tips! 

16 Nov 2022

How Snow Affects Your Lawn

The impact of snow on your lawn might not seem like a big deal. However, snow affects your lawn in some different ways that can be more damaging than you think. Although your lawn will become dormant during winter, abundant snowfall and other weather factors can lead to some potentially negative consequences related to the health of your lawn. As we continue to move further into fall and closer to the winter months, you may be wondering how to best care for your lawn as the first snowfall approaches. With increased awareness about the potential effects of snow on your lawn, you will hopefully be able to avoid any surprising damage once the snow melts. Continue reading to learn more about the different ways snow can impact your lawn.

Snow Mold

Snow mold is a fungal grass disease that is most commonly found in the cool weather grasses of the northeast. Snow mold often begins to appear once the snow begins to melt away in the spring. Its appearance usually consists of gray or white circles around the areas in which grass is trying to grow. Ensuring your lawn has proper drainage, avoiding over fertilization, and mowing the grass right before the first snow can help to prevent snow mold from developing.

Frozen Grass

While snow will only physically tough the blades of the grass, the freezing temperatures and possibly ice can begin to affect the roots beneath the soil. This can damage the root systems of the grass, causing it to die out. Try to keep from excessively walking or stepping on the frozen grass, and also avoid placing heavy objects on it. Doing those things can fracture the grass blades and lead to longer lasting damage into the spring, or even a complete reseed or re-sodding of the grass altogether.

Salt Damage

Salt is used during the winter months as a way to help prevent ice formation, and to help slippery surfaces become easier to navigate. While this is certainly necessary and helpful, sometimes salt can be applied a little too generously, and can begin to spill over into the turf within your lawn. Salt can be incredibly damaging to grass, so do your best to keep it on your sidewalks and walkways. If you do see it begin to reach your grass, try to clean it up or remove it as soon as possible.

If you are having trouble with any of the problems above, or perhaps another issue pertaining to your lawn, you might begin seeking out the help of an expert lawn care service. Blue Grass Lawn Services specializes in lawn care treatment and prevention in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. We can work with you to develop a personalized plan so that your lawn remains healthy and looking its best throughout the entire year.


Check out our Facebook page for more lawn care tips! 

26 Oct 2022
photo of rake laying in leaves

Removing Leaves From Your Lawn

With fall now in full swing, you may be wondering the best ways to get started with removing leaves from your lawn. Many of us enjoy the experiences that come with fall, such as the cooler outdoor temperatures, and the vibrant changing of colors that we see from the foliage surrounding us. While it is certainly visually appealing, the leaves will eventually begin to fall from their trees and scatter themselves across our lawns. Even if you don’t have many trees in your lawn, leaves might still find a way to gather in your lawn anyways due to high winds carrying them over. 

Falling leaves can create a layer over your lawn, preventing sunlight from reaching the grass, causing it to become frail and weak. In addition to making your yard look unkempt, ignoring those fall leaves can also lead to lawn diseases as well. Fortunately, there are some measures that can be taken to properly and effectively remove leaves from your lawn. Continue reading to learn more about our tips when it comes to tackling fall leaf removal. 

Choosing the Right Tools

There are a few different options you can take when physically removing the leaves from your lawn. Depending on the size of your property, or the amount of leaves that you have to deal with, certain tools will be more useful than others when it comes time for removal. There is a good chance that you already have the tools that you need for this operation sitting in your garage. If not, then you shouldn’t have much trouble finding them at your local hardware or home improvement store. 

Leaf Rake - Using a rake is a reliable and commonly chosen method for gathering and removing leaves and twigs. While it's a cheap and sensible option, it can also be the most time consuming and physically demanding way to remove leaves. We suggest using a rake for smaller lawns and for people who are in good physical health.

Leaf Blower - Leaf blowers can be one of the most versatile and efficient tools when it comes to leaf removal and general yard cleanup. They are relatively easy to use and can come in handy for other lawn maintenance tasks as well. The downside to using a leaf blower is that they are noisy, and may require gasoline or a nearby electrical outlet in order for them to operate. 

Mulching Lawn Mower - Mowing over leaves can actually create an organic mulch for your grass that provides natural fertilization during the fall and winter months. Ideally, the leaves should be cut down to dime-sized pieces in order for them to create an effective mulch. If your mower has mulching capabilities, this could mean that you don’t necessarily have to “remove” the leaves at all. 

Proper Disposal 

No matter what method you choose for your fall leaf removal, you are likely going to have a rather large pile of leaves and other foliage that you will need to dispose of. Composting your leaves can be one of the best and easiest ways to get rid of them for good. If you keep your own compost pile, you can simply just add them into the heap. If not, there is likely a low cost or even free local composting site that you can take them to. Do not burn, or throw your leaves into your garbage can. This can be illegal in some areas, and could lead to potential hazards to those around you. 

Fall leaf removal can be quite dirty work. Make sure you take the proper precautions and wear the appropriate clothing and equipment. This could include things like gloves or protective eyewear. By properly removing leaves from your lawn this fall, you can promote better health for your grass as it lies dormant during winter. Come next spring, you will hopefully be greeted with a healthy and good looking lawn. 

Featured Image: “Ayla’s Rake” by Don LaVange, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Check out our Facebook page for more lawn care tips! 

26 Oct 2022

Maintaining a Newly Seeded Lawn

Caring for a newly seeded lawn can raise a lot of questions. How are you supposed to begin the watering process? When is a good time to begin mowing? Most of these questions are asked because we want to find out how to get the best final results when seeding our lawns. The first weeks and months require special care in order to achieve a successful seeding. The fast changing weather that we experience in our region can also make seeding quite challenging. Warmer temperatures in the late summer and fall, combined with periods of very wet and very dry conditions, can complicate things even more. Maintaining a newly seeded lawn can be a tricky and intricate task. We have compiled some of our own tips and guidelines to assist you during the seeding process, in hopes that you will achieve the healthiest and best looking lawn that you can.


It is recommended to water frequently for approximately 10 minutes per area, to keep the newly planted seeds moist. Cut watering back to a maximum of once a day when the grass reaches about one inch in height. It is recommended to water in the morning, so that the leaf blades don’t remain wet overnight. Although water is crucial for seed germination, typical fall moisture will normally provide enough moisture to do the job. If it does not rain for several days, hand watering or sprinkling may be necessary. With watering, you can expect your grass seed to germinate far more quickly than without, usually in about two to three weeks. The goal is to get as much grass to germinate prior to soil temperatures falling. Once soil temperatures dip below a certain level, the lawn will stop growing and “go to sleep” for the winter. 


Proper mowing technique is often one of the most overlooked aspects of maintaining a newly seeded lawn. If possible, try to delay mowing for one week or more. Avoid any “deep raking” or aggressive scratching of the soil in any seeded area as this may damage new seedlings. Using a blower or leave vac will typically not have an impact on the growth of the seed. Scattered sticks or leaves on your lawn while the aeration and seeding process is done will not cause any issues for seed growth. 


The entire process of caring for a newly seeded lawn takes a lot of time. It is important to be patient during this period so that your lawn can look its best in the long run. Newly seeded areas shouldn’t receive any foot traffic for at least a month after the seeds have begun to germinate. Grass seedlings are also sensitive to chemical injury. Herbicides should not be applied until the lawn has been mowed at least three or four times. Keep an eye out for weeds, and if you begin to notice them it is best to hand pull them before they begin to spread. 

Lawn Care Service

Seeding and maintaining your lawn can be a daunting task for anyone to do on their own. Working with a professional lawn care service can save you the time and hassle, while also ensuring that you get the best intended results. Blue Grass Lawn Service has been providing their fall lawn services to home and property owners in New Jersey and Pennsylvania for over 36 years. If you think you need assistance when it comes to seeding your lawn this fall, we highly encourage you to reach out to us.

Check out our Facebook page for more lawn care tips! 

19 Oct 2022

Tips for Preparing Your Lawn This Fall

Preparing your lawn for the long harsh winters can be important when it comes to maintaining a healthy yard come springtime. With cooler temperatures, and more spirited colors around us, the fall season is now in full swing. For lawn owners, now is the time to evaluate the damage caused by the summer months. It is also the time to understand steps that can be taken to repair and prepare your lawn for next year. Luckily, we have some tips and guidance to help you with making these decisions along the way,

Tip #1: Aeration and Overseeding.

Aeration is the process of creating many tiny holes across your lawn. Grass roots need water, air, and nutrients in order to continue growing thicker and stronger. When soil becomes compacted, it becomes harder for these essentials to continue reaching the grass roots. Aeration allows the roots of your grass to receive air and nutrients more efficiently, letting your lawn “breathe” more easily. Overseeding is a method of seeding over the top of an existing lawn, while still maintaining the proper health of the soil. Following aeration with overseeding can help to repair damaged patches of a lawn because it can create a perfect seeding bed while also reducing compaction below the new lawn. 

Tip #2: Mulch Leaves

A quality of fall time that most people seem to enjoy are the vibrant color changes that are present among leaves and other foliage. While being visually appealing, they will begin to fall from trees and begin spreading themselves across your lawn. Even if you don’t have many trees in your lawn, leaves might still find a way to gather in your lawn anyways due to high winds carrying them over. Falling leaves can create a layer over your lawn, preventing sunlight from reaching the grass, causing it to become frail and weak. You can ensure that your lawn gets the proper sunlight that it needs by mulching the leaves. 

Tip #3: Fertilize/Weed Control.

When it comes to controlling the annual and perennial weeds that invade your lawn, the fall season can be a great time to take action. By taking care of weeds such as dandelions during the fall, you can help to prevent them come spring. Fertilizing your lawn during this time can help with weed control, but it can also help your grass receive the additional nutrients it needs to promote healthy growth. This can assist your turf against the harsh conditions of winter, and promote a more plush and weed-free lawn during the springtime. 

Maintaining and preparing your lawn during the fall can take a lot of time and effort, especially when it comes to doing a precise and thorough job. In many cases, one might not have the ability to carry out all of these tasks on their own. This is when the help of a professional lawn care service can be most beneficial. Blue Grass Lawn Service has been providing their fall lawn services to home and property owners in New Jersey and Pennsylvania for over 36 years. If you think you need assistance when it comes to fall lawn preparation, we highly encourage you to reach out to us.

Check out our Facebook page for more lawn care tips! 

19 Oct 2022
Fall Seeding and Aeration in PA | Bluegrass Lawn Care

Fall Seeding and Aeration

Fall is the most ideal time of the year to begin the seeding and aeration process of your lawn. Spring is often thought to be the best time for aeration and overseeding. Lawn owners will be quick to begin planting new flowers, remove leaves, and touch up their grass. However there are plenty of lawn projects that can be done in the fall as well, often leading to even better results. The summer months can be especially tough on lawns. Higher temperatures, insects, and lawn diseases can all add stress to your turf’s health and the overall look of your lawn

The fall season will bring us warm soil, cool nights, and dying annual weeds. These conditions create an optimal time for activities like aeration, overseeding, and general lawn seeding. Unlike during the fall, spring soils will be cold and compact, with dormant weeds waiting to begin their growth cycle. Conditions will tend to be best between September-October because the cooler temperatures during the days and nights will be ideal for new seeds to retain moisture. Combine that with fewer annual weeds trying to compete for the same space, and you have excellent conditions for seeds to germinate. 


Simply put, aeration is the process of creating many tiny holes across your lawn. Grass roots need water, air, and nutrients in order to continue growing thicker and stronger. When soil becomes compacted, it becomes harder for these essentials to continue reaching the grass roots.  Throughout the summer, soil is likely to become compressed from the high temperatures, hard rain, and general increased foot traffic. The holes created from aerating the soil allow it to decompact and restore the proper flow of necessary nutrients back to the grass roots. This makes fall aeration a critical component of achieving the greenest and healthiest lawn possible. 

In addition to aeration, overseeding can play a beneficial role in improving the health of your lawn. Overseeding is a method of seeding over the top of an existing lawn, while still maintaining the proper health of the soil. Overseeding during the fall can help create a thicker outer layer of grass, reduce weed growth, and enhance your lawn's ability to protect itself. Due to the previously mentioned stresses of the summer months, your lawn may begin to look thin, patchy, and generally worn down. Combining seeding and aeration can help to repair damaged patches of a lawn because it can create a perfect seeding bed while also reducing compaction below the new lawn. 

Lawn Service Maintenance

Seeding and aerating your lawn can be a daunting task for anyone to do on their own. Working with a professional lawn care service can save you the time and hassle, while also ensuring that you get the best results. With the stress put on lawns due to this Summer’s lack of rain and extremely high temperatures, many lawns have suffered greatly. When done professionally and with care, seeding and aeration can give your lawn a more vibrant, brand-new look. 

Blue Grass Lawn Service has specialized in seeding and aeration services within Pennsylvania and New Jersey for 36 years. Our unique method of core aeration involves using extra heavy core aerators to perforate the soil with thousands of small holes which will allow grass seeds to grow in the soil instead of on top of it. This helps the new grass germinate quickly and allows roots to grow deep while producing a stronger, more vigorous lawn.

Check out our Facebook page for more lawn care tips!